Download the Xero App

Most of us are using our devices to do more and more everyday tasks (email, pay bills, get directions, facebook), but what about our business tasks?

The Xero apps can help you with your everyday tasks and we certainly encourage you to download and start using.


With apps for both iOS and Android Xero Business allows you to:

  • Reconcile Transactions
  • Create, Approve & Send Invoices
  • Add Receipts and Submit Expense Claims
  • View Customer & Supplier Contact Info
  • Upload files to the inbox


Whilst some of you may think Reconciling each day is a pain and too much work we certainly always suggest reconciling your income each day. That way you have an up to date list of anyone who owes you money.

The App even has notifications to let you know when you have new transactions to reconcile.

So next time you are waiting for your morning coffee reconcile away!


This is certainly a really fun thing about the Xero App. One of the most important things in business is getting your invoice to your customer ASAP. Imagine being able to simply log in, press the + button and create your customers invoice on the spot.

Note if you are using Inventory Items creating an invoice with detail is super simple.

You can even attach files or pictures to the Invoice!

Receipts & Expense Claims

We all get those tiny little annoying receipts on the paper that always fades, not to mention it seems really easy to lose these type of receipts as well! For those of you not using Shoeboxes snapping a pic of the receipt and entering straight into Xero is the way to go.

You select if you have paid from the business account or if you need to be reimbursed. Never have to remember if the business has repaid you for all those cash purchases.

Customer and Supplier Info

All your customer and supplier info are only a click away. Phone Numbers, email address + google map of the address are only a click away.


You can also upload to the files inbox now using the + icon in the top right. This lets you upload scans for bills, photos of invoices that can be sent with an invoice to a client etc.

It’s a really useful tip to ensure you ditch the paper!

Check out what you can do on the app

Download from the app store today!